タブレット PC
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How to install and uninstall the driver on your Windows computers?
1. Please go to https://www.ugee.com/download to download the correct driver.
2. Download the driver then unzip it if needed, make sure you have quitted your anti-virus software and closed the drawing software then double click the driver exe file to install it on your computer.
3. When this window pops up, please choose “Yes”.
4. Read the software license agreement then check “I have read and agree to the software and license agreement” and click install to install the driver. If you want to change the installation path, please click “Custom” and then “Browse” to choose the path you want then click “Return” and “Install” to install it. It will take a few seconds to install.
5. Click “Restart now” if the computer is ready to restart. Click “Restart later” if you don’t want to restart now, but please be aware that the tablet driver may not work properly until the restart is complete.
6. After you have restarted the computer, please connect the tablet or display tablet correctly, please check whether the driver is running in the system tray, if yes, please click it to open it.
If you want to uninstall the driver or reinstall the driver, please follow the steps to uninstall.
1. Right-click the Pentablet shortcut then choose “Open file location”
2. Find “unins000.exe” in the folder.
3. Double click “unins000.exe”, When this window pops up, click “Yes”.
4. Click “Yes”. Then click “OK”. You may need to restart the computer to complete the uninstallation.
1. Click Start Key, then choose Settings.
2. Choose Apps.
3. Find Pentablet, then click “uninstall” and follow the instruction to uninstall.
4. You may need to restart the computer to complete the uninstallation.
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